Much of this funding came from local peach growers who stood to gain from a rail connection to transport their perishable crop to market.
It applied to farmhands who could prove they harvested fruits, vegetables or other perishable crops in the United States for at least 90 days in a one-year period that ended May 1, 1986.
The Government, moving to ease farmers' fear that perishable crops may rot in the fields, made a concession Tuesday that could bring more migrant laborers into the United States.
Under the agricultural program, illegal aliens may apply for temporary resident status if they were in the United States and working in perishable crops for any 90-day period from May 1985 to May 1986.
Gradually, many moved from farm labor into production through truck farming and usually filled the niche market for perishable crops.
Mr. Brown said: "If we cannot get the labor we need, we might ask the Federal Government to extend the amnesty for illegal aliens working in perishable crops.
The workers spontaneously barricaded themselves inside the cannery, refusing to allow the perishable crop inside until their grievances had been addressed.
Americans are eager to hire illegals because they cannot find fellow citizens to pick perishable crops, sew garments, assemble toys and care for their children as cheaply or at all.
A separate program covers agricultural workers who harvest perishable crops who can show they lived in this country and worked in farm-related industries for at least 90 days in the year ended May 1, 1986.
The agency previously insisted that laborers have documents to prove they had harvested perishable crops here.