In the first half of 268, however, a Gothic raid ravaged and burned the theatre, forcing its permanent abandonment.
"We want peace, which means the permanent abandonment of arms, and respect for the law and the results of elections."
The term "objective guarantees" is understood to mean permanent abandonment of enrichment.
Also, they argued that a public takeover of Lilco would be the only way to guarantee the permanent abandonment of the $5 billion Shoreham plant.
Alternatives include a permanent abandonment of glass recycling, which has proven to be the most difficult and costly material to reprocess.
For obvious reasons, both temporary and permanent abandonment must remain voluntary, and therefore no element of compulsion should be introduced.
For example, my country, Germany, was given only 50 ha for the permanent abandonment of wine-growing areas.
Finally, vineyard areas can be reduced by permanent abandonment, the main instrument used by the Commission and the only one that receives 100 % financing.
Its permanent abandonment has to be regarded as an act of radical surgery, to be undertaken only in extremis.
The only way of achieving that is voluntary, temporary grubbing-up rather than permanent abandonment.