He also helped write the law that made the Secret Service a permanent agency.
That is why a permanent outside agency is needed.
Despite its popular support, the CCC was never a permanent agency.
Making the Administration for Children's Services a permanent agency.
He said those problems showed that a permanent investigative agency was needed to prevent waste and malfeasance in government and, when necessary, to prosecute.
In addition, the Landis Report recommended that legislation be adopted to establish a permanent agency.
The Census Bureau became a permanent agency in 1902.
Doty, who presided at the antitrust trial, stopped short of giving the four players a preliminary injunction that would have given them permanent free agency.
Last year, voters approved a series of amendments, most of them making permanent agencies that were created on his watch.
And he proposes an agenda for change, including the creation of a permanent federal agency charged with safeguarding privacy.