Palestinian self-rule was to last for a five-year interim period during which a permanent agreement would be negotiated.
During his tenure, he got a permanent agreement regarding the English rights over Madras.
These initiatives were based on unofficial bilateral understandings between the two sides, and offer models for a permanent agreement.
Second, after an interim period, talks would begin on "a permanent agreement."
It's a proposal to negotiate a permanent agreement for the use of the guards.
And by the end of 2005 they were supposed to reach a permanent agreement.
After an interim period, this Palestinian entity and Israel would work out "a permanent agreement."
I would like to stress that this is an interim agreement for the period until a permanent agreement can be concluded.
The permanent agreement will also include guarantees of rectification, access to information.
Following the enthusiastic response from the community to this new series of concerts, a more permanent agreement was reached in July, 2010.