The war between the United States and British Canada ended as a stalemate, establishing the Great Lakes as a permanent boundary between the two nations.
The establishment of permanent boundaries between what later became Lower Saxony and Westphalia began in the 12th century.
Once again, the districts were directed to develop permanent boundary and annexation agreements.
As a condition of approval, Bon Secours committed to a permanent western boundary for the hospital property that constitutes the parking lot location on Maple Avenue.
Subsequent negotiations resulted in a clear and permanent boundary for Russian America, the southward terminus of which was established at 54 40' north.
As usual with regions, there is no definitive or permanent boundary between Upstate and Downstate New York.
But the new path should not be treated as a permanent boundary when the time comes for peace talks about a final settlement with the Palestinians.
A final settlement was not achieved until 1767 when the Mason-Dixon Line was recognized as the permanent boundary between the two colonies.
That would mean negotiating permanent boundaries between the areas of Israeli and Palestinian control and defining the respective rights of the two peoples in Jerusalem.
No permanent boundary divides public from private realms.