The intention here is not assassination and not permanent disfigurement.
Self-loathing seems to be a permanent disfigurement from the disease of modern liberalism, and that is particularly true in foreign policy where the military is concerned.
Such suits would be allowed only in cases of death, serious impairment of a bodily function or permanent disfigurement.
During the altercation, Dixson is alleged to have stabbed both in the neck, causing permanent disfigurement.
The charge of aggravated mayhem requires a finding of specific intent to inflict permanent disfigurement.
Either way, the aim is the same: permanent disfigurement.
A facial wound suffered as a boy becomes a grotesque permanent disfigurement in his own mind.
Moreover, Dzerzhinsky was beaten frequently by the Russian prison guards, which caused the permanent disfigurement of his jaw and mouth.
Some of these injuries are horrific, and many result in the permanent disfigurement or severe lifelong disability of thousands of people.
Although rare, if left untreated, it can lead to permanent disfigurement.