The essay only pretends to treat of "permanent elements" on the basis of four postulates:
Its plain, vernacular quality struck an understated aesthetic tone for the first permanent element of the new World Trade Center.
They deal with the permanent and unalterable elements of the soul of man.
Vélez has created joinery systems that utilize bamboo as a permanent structural element in both residential and commercial structures.
Is there a permanent element in the constitution of this universe?
There is a permanent element of uncertainty built into the situation, which undermines the willingness of administrators to make long-range commitments or plan for flexibility.
This is one of the permanent elements of the political dialogue we are having with Turkey.
The balance between freedom and security will therefore be a permanent element in our debate.
Republican leaders in Congress plan to push to extend or make permanent at least some elements of the cuts.
The permanent elements of civilization are the constructive ones-the workers, the farmers, the builders.