Some are thinking that if they vote against Sigur and lose, they'll have made a permanent enemy in the Council.
He can continue to be useful in the future, when we return, if you don't make him into a permanent enemy now.
You don't want to make any permanent enemies because you might need that Senator's vote the next day.
Believe me, our permanent enemy will be the German states.
Bismarck opposed the annexation because he did not wish to make a permanent enemy of France.
We should be searching for ways to make clear to the Cuban people that Washington does not regard them as permanent enemies.
He has no permanent enemies, because today's opponent may be tomorrow's client.
Viridovix had tried to give him some of the best animals he had, not wanting to make a permanent enemy if he could help it.
He said, 'With every ruling, a judge makes one permanent enemy and one temporary friend.'
"Then we must figure out how to stop them reaching Caemlyn before our plans come to fruit, without making them permanent enemies."