People in his circumstances lead rather tentative lives, and he needed a permanent friend.
But perhaps I can help you find a more permanent friend.
Of all the people of the world, I would choose only Abu Bakr as a permanent friend and constant companion.
"I believe African-Americans have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only permanent interests."
Talleyrand said there are no permanent friends or enemies, only permanent interests.
Most important, the United States has permanent friends and allies who need to be heard, he said.
As Churchill once said, "Nations do have permanent friends, they have permanent interests".
There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.
"In politics there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends but we hope they understand and they will be informed of the move," he said.
He believed that no one is a permanent friend or enemy and that if your head is intact, you can have fifty headgears.