She had wide gray eyebrows and huge yellow eyes, which were fixed in a permanent frown.
He looked at the words and at the permanent frown on Saavik's sleeping face.
Already she seemed to have a permanent frown etched in her forehead.
He rarely smiles; in fact his mouth seems set in a permanent frown.
He was a wizened little man with a permanent worried frown.
Anxiety came naturally to him; the permanent frown on his forehead had been stitched there when he was still a young boy.
The strip of white down his nose made his yellow eyes seem too close together, gave him a permanent frown.
And with each suggestion Thurston would draw down his eyebrows till he came near getting a permanent frown.
His eyes were black and brooding, his mouth set in a permanent frown.
At the office a permanent frown will make anyone think twice before sending you to make photocopies.