It seems clear that the violence is leaving a permanent imprint on this community.
The first to really succeed and to leave a permanent imprint upon the history of opera, however, was Gluck.
"I did not leave some kind of permanent imprint on Wall Street," he said.
He perfected the American twist (what we call a kick serve today), leaving a permanent imprint on the game.
The Jesuits left no permanent architectural imprint in the town.
The 57 years Goethe spent there left a permanent imprint.
As such, they are the most likely to leave a permanent imprint on the culture.
One school was finally agreed upon as a possibility, and the day of our interview is a permanent imprint in my mind.
Christianity left no permanent imprint on Japanese society.
I hope that we can, in this way too, leave a permanent imprint of our presidency on the work of the Union.