However, if the current legislation expires and new legislation is not enacted, the law reverts to the permanent provisions of the 1938 Act.
Subsequent Presidents were, as per the permanent provisions of the Constitution, elected by direct popular ballot.
The first inauguration under the permanent provisions of the Constitution took place on 15 November 1894.
A permanent provision was made for the Evelyn estate to cover the expense of maintenance and caretaking.
It was made a permanent provision.
There can be no doubt that permanent provision for Helen could be made now by a common understanding among her friends.
He also wants some permanent provision, in the Cabinet or Parliament, to guarantee that Government decisions are not on what he calls a winner-takes-all basis.
The measure would make permanent eight provisions of the Patriot Act, which was to expire this year.
Any permanent provision for the pieces did not materialise, however, until 1957, with the purchase by the Council of a former doctor's surgery on Linthorpe Road.
Since they can never leave Hell, permanent provision must be made for them.