He could become the leader of the new generation of Canada's Establishment, or he might seek permanent refuge in his art.
Johan Host Herkimer lived to see several more years and found permanent refuge in Canada.
It has also prevented some 500 asylum seekers in the United States from being granted permanent refuge here.
The sanctuary provides permanent refuge to displaced, captive-raised exotic animals kept as "pets" or retired from performance.
These men, all in their 20s, are among the 1,402 Haitians released into the United States so far to be considered for permanent political refuge or face deportation.
Many professionals for example were concerned that patients would find permanent refuge in mental hospitals which would take them up when the demands of everyday life were too difficult.
The goal was to provide refugees life-sustaining aid while trying to secure permanent refuge for them in the United States, Palestine, and Latin America.
After hearing her story, Brochwel gave her the lands at Pennant as a permanent refuge.
Johnston's goal was the establishment of a permanent refuge for the Pryor Mountains herd, but this was a daunting task.
There they are maintained, in camps that are Spartan or worse, at international expense until they can find permanent refuge.