Later, there'll always be an EC intercontinental on permanent standby near any permanent residence you occupy.
"Yes, I'm monitoring the situation very carefully and Stefan Klindz has a private ambulance on permanent standby - we can't risk her being whipped off into a hospital."
So there was no way he would have some psychic on permanent standby in case we infused it to see what happened that night.
LifeFlight Alert center, with Memorial Herman Hospital operated LifeFlight 4 on permanent standby.
"I've already got a guard stationed outside Envoy Sellassars's quarters, and a site-to-site transport on permanent standby for the area."
Give me a day or two to work out the details, and I'll have a pair of cutters on permanent standby for shuttle inspection.
There was a backup crew of 50 following the event as it criss-crossed Africa, including medics, mechanics, spares trucks and a helicopter on permanent standby.
One fighter is manned around the clock, while the others are on permanent standby.
Mr Boutros Ghali's proposal that an armed preventive force should be deployed on the frontiers of Burundi, on permanent standby, was an excellent one.
Neither did the Nordic countries, although they already have soldiers on permanent standby for peacekeeping.