The action of the chemical substances will accordingly include leaving a permanent trace in the brain by affecting the processes of recollection'.
Whether you understand it as jazz or as a kind of instrumental post-rock, it leaves more permanent traces.
They would cherish this distinction of their per- sons, and preserve the gummed tickets on their portmanteaus as documentary evidence, as the only permanent trace of their improv- ing enterprise.
This left a permanent trace in his life that he adopted his pen name on her name.
After the settlement was supposedly destroyed by tribal warfare during the early 9th century, the kainulaiset became dispersed along the western coasts of Finland, leaving only place-names and some archaeological finds as their permanent traces.
Years of life in Serbia left permanent trace on his music taste as he said he likes Serbian music better than American or Czech music.
The Yakuza would know about Squids, for one thing, and they wouldn't want to worry about one lifting those dim and permanent traces of their program out of my head.
Although one would dearly like more supportive evidence, what we have so far indicates that isolated experiences rarely if ever leave permanent traces - however traumatic and however early they may be.
The two agents had been very careful on that point, because they wanted to leave no permanent traces of themselves here.
Liquid dielectrics are self-healing; when an electric breakdown occurs, the discharge channel does not leave a permanent conductive trace in the fluid.