He controls WNYW-TV, Channel 5, and is seeking a permanent waiver of the Federal rule.
The move will make permanent a temporary waiver that had been in place.
Unless Congress enacts a new law, the F.C.C. has the authority as an independent agency to grant a permanent waiver.
But they both warned that without a permanent waiver, the program would be in constant jeopardy.
It was the first radio station to obtain a permanent waiver of the FCC rules requiring average modulation in excess of eighty-five percent.
The station also obtained a permanent waiver of the FCC rule that required a station identification announcement every thirty minutes.
News Corporation would sell the New York Post in 1988, but bought the paper back five years later with a permanent waiver of the cross-ownership rules.
The F.C.C. gave Rupert Murdoch the permanent waiver he needs to be able to acquire The New York Post.
Commissioner Miele said that if regular monitoring over the next 20 years shows the program is working, the city could be granted a permanent waiver of any order to filter the water.
A network executive said the biggest change was a permanent waiver from the regulations for Fox.