Since 2002, Indiana has allowed its riverboat casinos to be permanently docked.
Now is permanently docked in the Chilean city of Valdivia.
On 30 October 1994 Salem returned to Quincy to be permanently docked where she was built nearly five decades before.
The old barges, outfitted with a bunkhouse and galley, were docked permanently on the river's edge.
It is permanently docked at Yokohama harbor.
Illinois, for example, dropped a rule that boats must actually cruise the rivers on which they float, rather than remain permanently docked.
The ship was known as Keewatin Maritime Museum, permanently docked, from 1968 until its relocation in 2012.
A boat tour to the islands sails from here and an old rigged ship is permanently docked there too.
It's a barge permanently docked in a moat filled with water from the Missouri River.
With its wonderful Nile views, laid-back feel and efficient service, this permanently docked boat-turned-restaurant is a hidden gem.