He was seriously wounded and went permanently lame.
He was educated at primary and secondary levels in Pyrgos, a childhood illness left him permanently lame.
What if she couldn't extract the bullet without damaging a nerve and leaving him permanently lame?
Six months box rest and twelve months total recovery time, with what may be a permanently lame horse, was always a very daunting thought.
This injury became infected and left him permanently lame.
The chaliko turned out to be a lemon that went permanently lame 40 kloms north of Roniah.
The war put an end to his sporting career, for he was wounded three times and left permanently lame.
At the age of four he contracted tuberculosis, which led to twelve years of intermittent illness and left him permanently lame.
It made him permanently lame, and cost him his leg.
A childhood accident left him permanently lame.