Whatever the details of that encounter years ago-I never learned them all-it had left Ivald almost dead, permanently maimed, and his family wiped out.
The hidden casualties of war include the 2,600-plus wounded soldiers, some permanently maimed physically and psychologically.
But each year 50,000 are permanently maimed and 8,000 do not survive their injuries.
Blood from something which had been permanently maimed.
The defenders' losses amounted to about one third of their ranks, including those killed and permanently maimed in combat.
Paramilitary gangs enforce street discipline among their own by vigilante attacks and punishment beatings that can leave victims permanently maimed.
Some 10,000 women are believed to have died from complications of illegal abortions, and many more were permanently maimed.
In the past ten years, two million such children have been killed and six million permanently maimed.
Three-quarters of them were dead or permanently maimed.
At least one dog died after an attack by another dog; others have been permanently maimed, according to several accounts from former shelter workers and photographs that they took.