The Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, has said peace talks cannot be held with the rebel group directly until it permanently renounces violence.
This elementary commitment to permanently renouncing violence in the resolution of political differences has unfortunately not been kept by the present Palestinian leadership.
They offered Sinn Fein a seat at the bargaining table if the I.R.A. permanently renounced violence.
In exchange for permanently renouncing their own nuclear ambitions, nations without nuclear weapons wanted the nuclear powers to agree to cut back their weapons research.
But he did not permanently renounce violence.
State Department officials said they doubted that Hussein was permanently renouncing all claims to speak for the Palestinians of the West Bank.
But the conservative Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, has vowed not to negotiate with E.T.A. until it permanently renounces violence and lays downs its arms - steps the rebels have not taken.
Without delay, loyalist paramilitary groups from the Protestant community must follow the I.R.A.'s example and permanently renounce all armed activity and destroy or surrender all their weapons.
Recognizing the wisdom in her argument, on 25 July 1593 Henri declared that "Paris is well worth a Mass" and permanently renounced Protestantism.
In 2005, the Irish Republican Army took the further crucial steps of permanently renouncing political violence and destroying its weapons.