Shallow landslides can often happen in areas that have slopes with high permeable soils on top of low permeable bottom soils.
It also differs from an infiltration basin which is designed to direct stormwater to groundwater through permeable soils.
The deposited tephra particulates make the local soil very permeable.
Runoff can leach through permeable soils to vulnerable aquifers that tap ground water sources for human consumption.
Water began to pool as the thin layer of permeable soil above the level of the subterranean permafrost became saturated.
In less permeable soils, such as tight bedrock formations and historic lakebed deposits, the water table may be more difficult to define.
These very deep, well-drained, moderately permeable soils formed in thick deposits of loamy fluvial or marine sediments.
The Tanana soil consists of shallow, well drained, moderately permeable soils formed in materials weathered from limestone.
The central plains are characterised by poor, arid and permeable soil.
The Windsor series consists of very deep, excessively drained, rapidly permeable soils formed in glacial meltwater sediments.