The etiquette of what rightly constitutes a foul, as well as the permissible amount of protestation against such a call, are the products of individual groups, and of the seriousness of a particular game.
In January 2012, Parliament passed urgent amendments with the effect of greatly increasing permissible amounts of tobacco and reducing penalties, though sale and distribution remained prohibited.
This means that, because the smallest permissible amount by which interest rates can move is 0.01 per cent(i.e. 0.0001), the smallest change in the price of ST3 contract is 12.50.
Mr. Jones said the authority must take into consideration a federal proposal to reduce the permissible amount of nitrates in drinking water.
Most of its portfolio will remain in triple-A and double-A rated bonds, but the permissible amount of A-rated securities will rise to 35 percent from 20 percent.
Fatigue and even a legally permissible amount of alcohol can combine dangerously for drivers, a British study has found, especially because the young men being tested appeared to be unaware of their increased impairment.
The permissible amount of fecal coliform colonies could range from 21 to 28.
'Relatively Agressive' Quality New testing will lower the permissible amounts of lead drawn from static samples.
Previous arrangements have been based on a recommendation formula which has negligible force, as witnessed by the large discrepancies between the permissible amounts of lead in different Member States.
The New York metropolitan region already has nearly twice the permissible amount of ozone in its atmosphere.