The current permissible level for interior paints is 300 parts per million.
In Canada the permissible level is 30 parts per million.
Radiation above 220 counts per minute exceeds permissible levels, officials said.
Many states, including Alaska, set permissible levels for drivers of vehicles at 0.10 percent.
Clearly, what may constitute permissible levels of asbestos in the air will add up to significant quantities on the ground.
Iron content was above permissible levels in 20% of samples.
"The permissible level of bank credit to the commercial sector."
The most heavily exposed worker received more than three times the permissible annual level of radiation.
The permissible levels for E. coli are also based on what the industry has already achieved.
Sulfur in the air here has been reported at 20 times the permissible level.