Likewise, the Commission may petition a federal district court to enforce the CID in the event of noncompliance, although permissible venue is narrower in a CID enforcement action than in a subpoena enforcement case.
And if the only permissible venues for discussing the skyrocketing, Ugandan-level growth of income inequality in the United States are "quiet rooms," where are these rooms?
Thus, a single crime may often give rise to several constitutionally permissible venues, and venue may be constitutionally permissible even if an individual defendant was never personally present in the relevant state.
Trike pilots may also obtain the private pilot certificate which permits them to fly at night, above 10,000 feet, and in other venues not permissible for ultralight or sport pilots.
The "where the said Crimes shall have been committed" language refers to the locus delicti, and a single crime may often give rise to several constitutionally permissible venues.