Hungary, while still a "one-party dictatorship," maintained a relatively permissive approach on political debate, he said.
He strives for a middle ground between the old-fashioned "authoritarian" style his own parents used and more permissive approaches that have become popular in recent years.
Ms. Klein's more permissive approach stood her well during a recent trip to Italy with her husband, she said.
Consistent discipline and constant communication with teen-agers, they said, work better than dictatorial or overly permissive approaches.
The school gained notoriety for its permissive approach and promotion of rigorous intellectual inquiry.
"Asylum applications have almost tripled in the past year due primarily to the more permissive approach to work authorization," Mr. Nelson's memo said.
Priss is disconcerted to find that Norine Schmittlapp takes the permissive approach.
Their view is that this permissive approach is more free.
In one country in the European Union there is a rather permissive approach, in another a rather restrictive one.
On the other, subscribers to cable, especially pay cable, have discovered a far more permissive approach to program content.