It is a first-of-its-kind project designed to defeat the permissive culture of runaway spending in Congress.
Harsh words from across the ideological spectrum for Whitehead's attack on divorce and the permissive culture that tolerates it.
Zionist settlers were usually young and far from their families so a relatively permissive culture was able to develop.
That said, the permissive culture of checking from behind is an issue.
He grows accustomed to the sexually permissive Islandian culture.
If enacted, they could help dramatically transform Albany's permissive political culture.
There are three sexual cultures: restrictive, semi-restrictive and permissive.
Thus began my acquaintance with Maastricht's hospitable, permissive culture.
YouCut, is a new tool designed to defeat the permissive culture of runaway spending in Congress.
There was a media culture permissive of unlawful activities and deliberate obfuscation by News International.