The new data are too imprecise to permit pure comparisons of school quality.
The only way to clarify things is through clear, standards-based tests that permit local, national and international comparisons.
- to permit comparison of wounds and their management.
Congress is now considering legislation that would permit state-by-state comparisons of student achievement for the first time.
For example, there is no clearly set-out table to permit comparison of the individual Member States.
First, because learning occurs in families as well as schools, test data for race and income groups permit fairer comparisons.
The model permits comparison and discussion of techniques of approach to new product development in terms of five variables.
They might even permit comparisons between faces.
The tests, a Los Alamos statement said, "should permit comparisons of theoretical models with experimental results."
A league-average PER is always 15.00, which permits comparisons of player performance across seasons.