A District Court in Galveston permitted other families to sue the University.
I have publicly said you cannot permit middle-class families and working families and poor families to go without protection.
The Republicans propose to permit families who buy catastrophic coverage - policies with high deductibles - to make tax-free deposits to a savings account.
They also introduced a system of personal nominations and guarantees, opened to Italians, in order to permit families separated by the war to come together again.
Separately, negotiators cleared the way for legislation that would permit families with severely disabled children to buy health insurance coverage through Medicaid.
Briglio and Reinhardt maintain that the courts have only permitted "functionally equivalent families" to establish themselves in single family neighborhoods.
Baogan permitted families to raise income through hard work, good management, wise use of technology, and reduction of production costs.
Since then a few of the 1886 houses have been cut up into apartments, but their small size has permitted single families to retain control in most cases.
The laws at that time permitted such families to receive welfare payments in certain parts of the United States.
If you are in an intensive care unit, many hospitals permit only families to visit.