Automation provides the programmable devices that permit greater flexibility in the operation of these complex manufacturing systems.
Up to a point diversity is good; local government would be useless if it did not permit some variety and flexibility in provision.
This permits great flexibility in controlling the density, contrast, and saturation of the print.
All told, although the players have clearly made concessions, the rules still permit reasonable flexibility.
For one thing, because it is not primarily concerned with where people stand or how they are ranked, it permits flexibility without lowering morale.
This permits flexibility in areas with minimal access to vehicles, such as on small islands.
The modified bill does not mandate restrictions against individual countries, permitting greater flexibility in carrying out its terms.
One expert called such policies a "case of overkill" since they do not permit flexibility to allow for differences among individual cases.
Experiments have demonstrated that such kind structure permits good mobility and high flexibility to uneven terrain.
Budgets should not be kept to rigidly if conditions change significantly, but should permit reasonable flexibility.