Mr. Major's announcement will extend those privileges under new documents which, like the current ones, do not permit immigration to Britain or work there.
At the time Czechoslovakia was a brutal police state that did not permit normal immigration.
Federal health officials are considering loosening the restrictions for travelers, but have not offered any firm proposals and do not intend to permit permanent immigration of infected people.
In the late 1930's Zionists fruitlessly tried to persuade Britain to permit large-scale immigration to Palestine despite violent Arab opposition.
We have never before permitted immigration of those who were infected in the middle of an epidemic.
In 1824 the Mexican federal government passed a General Colonization Law, which for the first time permitted immigration into Texas.
As we have all said, insufficient efforts are being made to permit legal immigration.
The best weapon is reduced recruitment to crime syndicates and terrorist groups, brought about through tolerance, social cohesion and lower levels of poverty and through permitting legal immigration.
At Schiphol Airport, Netherlands, iris recognition has permitted passport-free immigration since 2001.
Once the new owners of the colonies again permitted immigration from Germany, the numbers rose in the following years above the pre-World War I total.