But, NELIAC programs were not so portable because the language permitted manipulation of binary characters which were dependent on word lengths.
Computers are essentially $1,000 darkrooms that permit sophisticated manipulation of images.
Adrianus Ligtenberg, an electrical engineer with Bell Laboratories in Murray Hills, N.J., has developed a computer chip that permits easier manipulation of video images at computer work stations.
An additional piece of new hardware on this flight was the versatile Glovebox, which permitted "hands-on" manipulation of small experiments while isolating the crew from the liquids, gases, or solids involved.
Advances in computer technology now permit manipulation of such large data sets as well as electronic publication of multiple reference percentiles for widespread use.
The Macintosh area of origination and the colour scanner area of graphic reproduction are increasingly converging due to the introduction to the former of high-resolution scanners, a colour laser printer, an on-line phototypesetter (Linotronic) capable of directly producing colour separations (film), and software permitting extensive manipulation of captured images.
The principal database feature in this project is the global array which permits direct, efficient manipulation of multi-dimensional arrays of effectively unlimited size.
When they call on the telephone to describe their activities, it is often via a call placed with stolen credit cards, or with illegal technology that permits manipulation of the phone system.
Such use of the Iverson bracket can permit easier manipulation of these expressions.
Days before, the O.A.S. examined the software used in the machines and found technical problems that would permit manipulation.