The government of Uganda has a strategic plan for palliative care and permits nurses and clinical officers from HAU to prescribe morphine.
Custom had permitted officers to transfer their offices (résignation) to their heirs with royal permission in return for the payment of a fee.
The Bush administration issued a decree permitting federal officers to issue wiretaps for almost any reason and permitting the detention of people for extended periods without filing charges.
Previous decisions permitted officers, out of concern for their own safety, to conduct such searches if the occupant was inside the car when first stopped or contacted by the police.
Invalidation of a 90-year-old "claim and delivery" law, which had permitted law-enforcement officers to seize personal property when installment debtors fell behind in their payments.
Mr. Abbas promised to end the armed Palestinian uprising and to permit only law enforcement officers to carry guns.
Among them were one allowing officers to "moonlight" in part-time work, one permitting officers to reside outside of the city and various pension and retirement benefit bills.
Officials in Detroit, which has long had one of the nation's highest homicide rates, say that the Police Department has no policy permitting officers to arrest witnesses.
Exceptions permit family members to represent each other, employees to represent their employer, officers to represent corporations, and certain other representation.
He further stated that he would not permit federal officers to come to his county to enforce such laws.