Permitting players to trumpet their racism publicly is just another way of telling certain fans they are not welcome in major league ballparks.
This season, the league has repeatedly stressed enforcement of rules against such obstruction to permit skilled players more freedom to skate, pass and shoot.
This off-side rule, which permitted players to move in front of the ball opened the way to the subsequent development of the Combination Game.
The Olympics now permit professional players.
The Deluxe cabinet variant permitted players to sit down and was a fully enclosed unit.
(Because the league permits female players, Mr. Lip schutz expects to add several to his team next season.)
As a curtain-raiser, a Pro-Am event will permit players of lesser stature to play with and against the stars.
Prior to 1960 The Football Association did not permit clubs or players under its jurisdiction to take part in competitive football played on Sunday.
We don't permit injured players in the bench area, either.
The new provision permits teams and players to mutually reduce or eliminate guaranteed compensation if a player was waived.