But Congress, by permitting regulation "for purposes other than protection against radiation hazards" underscored the distinction drawn in 1954 between the spheres of activity left respectively to the Federal Government and the States.
The theory has been that the "scarcity" of broadcast airwaves and channels demands licensing and licensing permits regulation.
The decision said that while the Constitution prohibited a total ban, it did permit regulation.
The current standard used by the Corps, he said, was too open-ended in permitting regulation of remote drains, ditches and streams that did not affect "the integrity of an aquatic system."
By 1999, the organization began to develop a national strategy, initially focusing on Colorado, Illinois, and Ohio where state law permits broad local regulation of firearms.
The CoRR hypothesis states that the location of genetic information in cytoplasmic organelles permits regulation of its expression by the reduction-oxidation ("redox") state of its gene products.
The courts have historically permitted greater regulation of the broadcast media in part because of the scarcity of frequencies available for radio or television.
The Federal law explicitly permits regulation of pesticides by the states, but does not refer to localities.
In striking down these rates as an interference with interstate commerce, Hughes recognized that the logic of his argument would permit federal regulation of any action that affected commerce.
This allowed the international NGOs that had rushed into the country to operate with local counterparts; it also permitted the establishment and regulation of Kosovo-based NGOs.