These cards already exist, but do not permit two-way services like video-on-demand.
This would permit faster services and possibly allow additional train paths.
Most postal authorities do not permit additional services, like registration or express services, to be added to items mailed as printed matter.
This permits rich call-related services to be developed.
Other states soon followed California's lead in officially permitting unbundled legal services.
We do so to protect this valuable exception in the copyright law that permits the Bookshareddorg and similar services.
Wireless operations permit services, such as long-range communications, that are impossible or impractical to implement with the use of wires.
I never permitted religious services to be held in the White House.
The additional aircraft also permitted several year-round, domestic and international scheduled services from Stansted to be reinstated.
Even for its small population, the chapel was diminutive and did not permit large services.