The key concepts include standardization of biological parts and hierarchical abstraction to permit using those parts in increasingly complex synthetic systems.
The crops are grown as the seasons permit using natural and environmentally safe methods, and no genetically modified seeds are used.
The state says correction law permits using a "residential treatment facility" until a more permanent home is found.
Unscrewing the plug permits using it.
But in other cases, the design specification doesn't provide sufficient information to permit using conventional design methods.
It permits using 15 times less chemotherapy drugs during treatment.
A spokeswoman for the department said senior officials had decided that the law creating the gun records did not permit using them to investigate individuals.
In addition to the mechanical attachment that the z-clip provides, it also permits using higher-performance thermal interface materials, such as phase change types.
Local codes may not permit using extension cords.
This permits using relatively inexpensive passive viewing glasses, similar to those for movies.