Both have appeared on television, permitting viewers to find whatever seems congenial.
The inherent ambiguity and uncertainty of the film, as well as its textual richness, have permitted viewers to see it from their own perspectives.
The organization has also turned its attention to satellite dealerships that sell illegally altered decoders that permit viewers to receive pay-television signals for which they have not paid.
The installation lasted for a few weeks and permitted viewers in New York to see people looking into a matching telectroscope in front of London's Tower Bridge.
The case, an appeal by the Clinton Administration, concerns a technological problem that permits viewers who have not paid for a premium cable channel to receive a portion of the channel's video or audio signal through what is known as "signal bleed."
This permitted young viewers to feel that they were participating in the radio or televised adventures.
Yet those systems will some day permit viewers to leapfrog the handful of games offered by networks and cable systems and select whatever game they want to watch for the price of a movie ticket.
In the arts, anyone who was anyone flocked to see "impish" Uncle Harry, a puppeteer and partner in Hollywood's ingenious Turnabout Theater, where the chairs swung, permitting viewers to watch first a marionette show and then a musical revue.
More than $400,000 was spent on renovations to the museum's planetarium, mostly on the acquisition and installation of a Zeiss M 1015 projector that permits viewers to race through time at a rate of three and one-half years a minute.
Lance Horn, the company's president and chief operating officer, said that hello's system permits viewers to stream high-quality images and sound over the Internet without the need to download, install or upgrade special software.