An especially pernicious aspect of American involvement was the testing of atomic bombs on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands from 1946 to 1958.
This blossoming of retrotech is prompted by a pernicious aspect of urban life: the street drug dealer.
The "pernicious" aspect of the disease - prior to the discovery of treatment - was its invariably fatal prognosis, similar to leukemia at that time.
To the Editor: There is a pernicious aspect to President Bush's proposal for malpractice tort reform.
But if romanticism suits the Devil because it has a habit of slipping us into unreality-away from the real battle - it has an even more pernicious aspect.
Such howlers are lamented as a pernicious, but probably unavoidable, aspect of the continuous change of language.
One of the law's most pernicious aspects is its attempt to ban certain class-action injunctions.
But the pernicious aspect in her case is that somehow it might look like she is getting special treatment.
Perhaps the most pernicious aspect of the drug war, in fact, is the crime and violence that drug prohibition generates.
The stories of Lucifer, Narcissus (who gave us the term narcissism) and others attend to a pernicious aspect of vanity.