It was an especially pernicious form of cowardice.
That the mission could be perceived as a pernicious new form of imperialism was totally alien to Bush.
The most pernicious form of intolerance is "political correctness," because it comes disguised as tolerance.
But Russians are now discovering new and more pernicious forms of corruption, many of them closely linked to the first steps toward a market economy.
But personal injury lawyers say the effort is a particularly pernicious form of jury tampering.
After an earlier setback, the drive to end the secrecy surrounding a pernicious form of campaign fund-raising is gaining in the House.
A less pernicious form of topping off is called reconditioning.
One particularly pernicious form of racism in the United States is racial segregation, which, it can be argued, continues to exist today.
There is another, more pernicious form of ageism.
They are less understanding about what they view to be a particularly pernicious form of American overindulgence.