Around the festival, he was a perpetual source of humor and warmth.
Money is the perpetual source of uneasiness; I fear it more than I love good wine.
They'll spend the lot in a few days, and then turn into a perpetual source of trouble wherever they live.
The repayment of those loans was to provide a perpetual source of assistance for others.
The male instinct to philander has been a perpetual source of misery for women, children and non-alpha males.
Even bluff, oblivious, obvious Kault was a perpetual source of amazement.
That energy and enthusiasm didn't, alas, spring from a perpetual renewable source.
Or they could wear a small mirror, which would be "a perpetual source of delight".
But for people obsessed with the past, it has been a perpetual source of information, research tools and grants.
Your sensitivity, humor and guidance will remain as a perpetual source of inspiration to us all always.