He has so convinced himself that his unhappy childhood makes him a perpetual victim that he cannot fathom himself as a monster.
By the time the children reached first grade, an increasing amount of harassment had focused on a smaller group of perpetual victims.
Women as perpetual, archetypal, dramatically necessary victims - why has nobody mentioned the possibility to me before?
Unlike most female characters in cartoons at that time, Trixie is not portrayed as a helpless perpetual victim in need of saving.
We're the perpetual victims of bad publicity.
The escalator system was a perpetual victim of student vandalism.
He stopped playing the perpetual victim.
I wonder if it's possible to explain in words how I had grown to feel about being a perpetual victim.
The Post called their actions "erratic," and the News urged them "to stop playing the perpetual victim."
These only happen to them to the extent that they are cast in the role of perpetual victim.