In the rays of the lantern I could see his perplexed face peering down.
Sam made a perplexed face, then nodded to himself as he listened intently to the phone.
She turned a perplexed face to him.
He stared at the perplexed faces and then shook his head in a gesture of surrender.
Rat looked at Kimber with an honestly perplexed face.
The last the pioneers saw of Kin was her perplexed face in the big rear port as the machine drifted away and up.
Jessie's soft voice roused him from his preoccupation, and he looked across the table at her perplexed face.
He knew the question that was in every mind, for perplexed faces revealed it.
He glanced down at his book again, then slowly raised his gaze to Andre's perplexed face.
A maid was standing beside her with a perplexed and frightened face.