Among scouting files around the majors from two years ago, there are persistent references to a shoulder problem that bothered Milton during his sophomore season at Maryland.
The French statement, in contrast to its persistent references to the United States, did not directly refer to Japan.
NaPTAN identfiers are designed to be used within the UK's Digital National Framework a system of unique persistent reference for shareable information resources of all types managed by the Ordnance Survey.
His art remains firmly rooted in the world, in persistent references to the figure and landscape.
Sometimes, such Olympian detachment moves to superciliousness and deliberate archaism, such as in the persistent reference to 'Scotchmen' in the final essay, on Anglo-Scottish Union.
"He was the main gate to Kafur but Mutanabbi did not pass through it" laments Ibn Jinni, adding that he compounded matters by "his persistent reference to Kafur's blackness."
The constellation of paintings at Castelli also emphasizes Mr. Johns's persistent references to the human body, usually morosely fragmented, and the different ways he has meshed it with abstraction.
But how will it cope should the persistent references in the media about The Sun's disgraceful slurs four days after the deaths transform into a call for a Mail boycott on Merseyside?
There have been persistent references to Murphy's law associating it with the laws of thermodynamics right from the very beginning (see the quotation from Anne Roe's book above).
He made persistent references to the uniqueness of the Madeleine McCann story as an excuse for his paper's tawdry and defamatory coverage.