Longer-acting bronchodilators can be used every day for people with more persistent symptoms.
Often, the affected athlete is allowed to return to play within a short time, but persistent symptoms will result in removal.
People with midlevel incomes and those under the age of 30 or over 60 were also likely to have persistent symptoms.
They help people whose symptoms do not go away (persistent symptoms).
"Still, my people and I have been working nonstop trying to find some medicine or other therapy that will combat these persistent symptoms."
The researchers concluded, "No one in the study group had disabling or persistent symptoms as a result of the car accident."
Well before she was 10 years old Jane had developed persistent symptoms of colitis.
These are persistent chronic symptoms for which the doctors can find no cure.
The inherited form starts early in childhood with persistent long-term symptoms into adulthood.
Sometimes persistent symptoms occur that are worse with lying or sitting and better with activity.