"There's the possibility that one person speaking up will affect others," he explained.
How does knowing whether one carries a gene that predisposes the person to cancer affect one's emotional life?
One person can affect the outcome without anyone knowing.
They also begin to look at life with the knowledge that we are all one and what affects one person affects everyone.
Obama then addressed the ideas of community and unity in America, that a person struggling somewhere affects us even if we are not directly involved.
If they touched a person not affected as they were, that person died.
Sometimes, a person can only properly affect events by using their own moral propriety, and not by carrying out orders.
So you might not realize what it's like to work without knowing how every person and every job affects the bottom line.
Anxiety disorders interfere with how a person gets along with others and affect daily activities.
Only one other person had ever affected Flint so strongly, though in a different way.