Who cannot be Senators: members of the House, members of the armed and police forces, persons contracted to work for the Government.
The return to work coordinator can either be an employee nominated by the employer, or a person contracted specifically for this purpose.
"It's difficult to explain how the person contracted anthrax," Mr. Rowland said.
It helps to know that once a person has contracted a cold or the flu, it will run its course in 5 to 10 days.
The person probably contracted the virus during this latest outbreak.
A person or an organization (commercial, academic, or other) contracted by the sponsor to perform one or more of a sponsor's trial-related duties and functions.
A person may contract to act, such as a babysitter to render aid in the event of the child in her care hurting himself.
There are many different types of allergies that a person can contract from food, pets or plants.
It is not certain whether every infected person will eventually contract acquired immune deficiency syndrome.