This has been contested since and in 2004 a six person crew regained the record.
The two person crew stayed were in space for a record setting 96 days, from December 1977 to March 1978.
In all but the strongest winds, an experienced two person crew can manage the boat.
None of the 9 person crew or 141 passengers were injured in the mishap.
Its three person crew stayed aboard the station from March to August 2001.
Each cab has room for a two person crew, as well as an instructor if required.
The B-25 can be flown by a six person crew.
The two person crew ejected safely from the aircraft and survived the crash.
Each ship carries a 50 person crew, including 20 officers and mates.
The four person crew assigned to Quint 15 now staff the only truck company in the area.