No one in their right mind would just say yes, but sometimes you can learn things from the way a person denies something.
The person close to Viacom denied that was the case.
When the person is already manic and denying any need for help, it may be too late.
Still, living in Nightingale, how could a person deny the pull to create?
Contacted later, however, this person denied any knowledge of either the dog in question or its owner.
We treat persons with a respect denied to animals and objects.
No sane person is denying the impact of bullets on human flesh.
The reform of the common fisheries policy is necessary, and no sensible person would deny this.
I do not want to see any young person denied the chance of maximising educational potential for financial reasons.
He said that even spouses would not be told of possible risk if the person denied having sexual relations with the spouse.