Facial movement can be present on the affected side when the person expresses emotion.
In family therapy, each person can express his or her fears and concerns.
If a person expresses these warning signs, emergency services should be contacted immediately.
A repressed person doesn't express his or her emotions.
It is a means by which a person can express concern and gain satisfaction, especially if the gift takes the form of personal involvement.
A person or institution states an untruth, and by social convention, expresses something that cannot be said as such.
Nearly every person expressed a desire to attend the funeral, even if they had already passed by the body.
This was a first for me; I'm 5-foot-3 and no tall person has ever expressed a desire to come down to my level.
But that person did not express any and, being anonymous, cannot be consulted or even contacted to return this gift.
He held that a person who is born deaf can express himself by putting down his thoughts in writing.