If someone was in the room, the person couldn't have failed to hear the crashing of the struggle.
One person, apparently a university official, tried to prevent the pile from being ignited, but failed.
If one person fails to pay on time, loans for the whole group are jeopardized.
So often what one person saw as truth was another person's failing.
If the person called fails to break the chain, this player joins the "East" team.
If the person fails to use it properly, the property transfers to a third party.
I have no doubt that a person who entertained such principles would not fail to reduce them to practice.
In Virginia, for instance, a person working 20 hours and earning $5 an hour would fail to qualify if laid off.
If the person fails to say this, he or she does not get the pile.
Instead, the account was put under review because the person making the transfer failed to provide proper identification.